Term of use

While relevant certificates may be issued in the name of a separate entity duly accredited under overseas rules, for the avoidance of doubt, Trinity College London International Limited is the entity that offers and provides English exam and music and drama exam referenced herein, which are all organized, hosted and operated outside of Mainland China irrespective of the residency and nationality of relevant candidates.

This website/material does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy or enroll into any products or services in the territory of Mainland China. Nothing contained on this website/material should be read or construed or deemed as offering of, and Trinity College London International Limited and Shengyi Culture Consulting (Beijing) Co., Ltd. (and their affiliates) are not offering and do not purport to offer English exam, music and drama exam or any other products or services in the territory of Mainland China.

Candidates will be directed to a website hosted and operated by Trinity College London International Limited for enrolling into and taking the English exam and music and drama exam referenced herein, unless explicitly advised otherwise.

This website/material is prepared for informational purposes only. Nothing herein shall be construed as authorization or license to use or distribute any information or data contained herein.

虽然相关证书可能以根据境外规则受到正式认证的另一实体的名义颁发,但为避免疑问,Trinity College London International Limited 是提供本网站/材料所载述的英语考试、音乐和戏剧考试的实体,该等考试均在中国大陆境外组织、举办和运作,无论相关考生的居住地和国籍。

本网站/资料并不构成在中国大陆境内销售任何受规制产品或服务的要约,亦不构成在中国大陆境内购买或注册任何产品或服务的要约邀请。本网站/材料中的任何内容均不得被理解、解释或视为Trinity College London International Limited 和圣艺文化咨询(北京)有限公司(及其关联公司)在中国大陆境内提供英语考试、音乐和戏剧考试或任何其他产品或服务的要约,Trinity College London International Limited 和圣艺文化咨询(北京)有限公司(及其关联公司)未在中国大陆境内提供且未意图在中国大陆境内提供上述产品或服务。

除非另有明确告知,考生将被引导至由Trinity College London International Limited 主办和运营的网站,以注册参加本网站/材料所载述的英语考试、音乐和戏剧考试。


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